3. 24 - Jem

When I first played this for someone, about 3 years ago when I was first collecting these kinds of tunes, that someone turned up her cute little nose and went, "Jem?" with a sneer of disgust. I have no idea what that was about. I also have never heard another Jem song ever, so who knows what sort of drivel she normally puts out, but this track is pretty cool. It's the theme from the trailer to a totally weird-o action flick called Ultraviolet, the plot of which made my brain a little sore. It was like watching live action anime, where the dialogue and plot have been translated from the Japanese and make little to no sense. It stars Mila Jovavich (yum) as some kind of super-enhanced chameleon soldier-babe who we find out is also a socially shunned genetically engineered vampiress kung-fu master. See what I mean about the anime thing? The Japanese seem to LOVE unexplainable vampire action. Anyway, the trailer is on the DVD disc, and it's a pretty classic example of the idea that sometimes, all you need to do is see the trailer and skip the movie. I did not, but watchig Mila drop kick motherfuckers while wearing skin tight leather pants is always worth 6 bucks at the matinee, right?

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