5. Just Like You Imagined - Nine Inch Nails

The trancy-intense tune from the trailer for 300, this was a gem of a find. I almost enjoyed the trailer more than the film. Then again, the film is basically the following conversation,

Ugly Persian Dude: "Hey, Nekkid Greek King, gimme your land and your women."
Nekkid Greek King: "Fuck you, Ugly Persian Dude, you'll have to kill me and my 299 Nekkid Greek Buddies, who are not at all gay for each other no matter how nekkid we might be. Just ask my hot wife who's wearing way more clothes than I am."
Hot Greek Wife: "Yeah, Fuck You, Ugly Persian Dude, you'll have to kill them all, no matter how gay for each other they are!"
299 Nekkid Greek Buddies: "Yeah, you'll have to kill us all, Ugly Persian Dude!"
Ugly Persian Dude: "Ummm, ... awkward ... but, OK."
(Ugly Persian Dude then kills all the Nekkid Greek Gay Guys and their King. Oh well.)

Anyway, the song is cool, and the trailer is on the DVD. Enjoy the inevitability.

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